Winning Wednesday: Jake and Mary Jacobs

4 min readNov 23, 2022


Source: Daily Mail

Despite the fact that they were rebuffed by society and even their family, Jake and Audrey stood by one another — their struggle was for life and love as well as the actual war. Jake was enlisted with the British military during World War II. This is how their devotion triumphed.

Despite the fact that Mary Jacobs’s parents and society shunned her when she married a black man more than 70 years ago, their love continues to flourish.

All is truly conquered by love.

Love can conquer anything, even if it sounds like a scene out of a sappy movie or a trashy romance novel.

Despite the fact that it has witnessed a great deal of time as it passes through a world that is constantly evolving, this story remains relevant to this day. Mary and Jake fell in love in post-World War II England, when being an interracial couple was not as socially accepted as it is today. Jake was born in Trinidad, whereas Mary was born in Britain.

Even though they were socially ostracized and even rejected by their family, Jake and Brownie remained together — they were fighting for both life and love as well as for actual freedom. Jake was serving in the British army during World War II. Their love triumphed as a result.

An important meeting.

In the course of the battle, Jake arrived from Trinidad and joined the American troops stationed at Burtonwood, near her home in Lancashire, according to Mary.

“We were at the same technical college. I was taking typing and shorthand courses, and he had been sent there by the Air Force for training. His black friends beckoned my friend and me over to speak with them.”

I adored that Jake and I got to know them and discovered that they spoke English, despite the fact that we didn’t prior to the meeting.

Angered by what she saw, the woman reported the couple to her father, who forbade her from seeing him again. “Seeing two English girls with a group of black men was very shocking — and very upsetting — and I am still upset about it,” she said.

They ran into each other again.

Jake and Mary fell in love during the war. After the war was over, Jake had to leave her behind in England and return to Trinidad. However, the two kept in touch through letters, and Jake eventually realised that he wanted to be with her. Several years later, he returned to the UK and asked her to marry him.

Mary recollected how Jake proposed to her when she was only 19. Her father reacted in a furious manner when she told him she wished to marry Jake, a black man. He was horrified that she could even think of marrying him.

I had only a small suitcase when my father threw me out. Our register office wedding in 1948 was attended by no family members.

Living in Birmingham the first years of our marriage was hell — I cried every day and barely ate. Because no one would rent to a black man, we couldn’t find a place to live, and because no one would speak to us, we had no money.”

British society ostracized them.

Despite loving each other, the Jacobs experienced significant difficulties in their marriage, as society was not prepared to accept an interracial couple. Mary remembers the tough times of their early years.

A stillborn son at eight months pregnant broke her heart, and we never had more children,” she said, revealing the stress she was under.

“However, things gradually became easier. I got teaching jobs, ending up as a deputy headteacher. Jake worked in a factory at first, then for the Post Office,” she said.

The couple made slow progress towards making friends, since they faced a lot of discrimination and prejudice from those who could not accept a white woman and a black man being together.

I used to warn new acquaintances before inviting them home: My spouse is black.

Having never received her father’s approval, regardless of the time that has passed, is the most painful thing.

“At age 30, my father passed away, and despite having mended our relationship by then, he still disapproved of Jake,” she said.

They celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary.

It is a pleasure to have known and married Mary for 70 years, but it is tragic that we were not accepted by society.

It is now my habit to advise young black people: “You cannot imagine how dreadful it was.” When I first came to Britain, I was offended every day.

Jake recalled how he was once on a bus and a man rubbed dirt on his neck, stating, “I wanted to see if it would wash off. At that time, black men were not allowed to work in offices, because it was believed to be unsafe”

Despite Mary’s mild form of Alzheimer’s, Jake and Mary remain in love after 71 years of marriage. They are making the most of the time they have left, since they realise they don’t have much time left. Despite all the obstacles they faced in their life together, they made their lives happy.

